The shell game experiment

AIBOs playing soccer

Nao's playing soccer


Since April 2012 I have been working at the MARCS institute at the University of Western Sydney, conducting research in the field of human machine interaction. I program autonomous robots, build simulation software for Defence research experiments, and conduct experiments with human participants who interact with robots and AIs. I supervise both computer science and psychology research students.

From 2002-2011 I was involved with various robot soccer teams at RoboCup. RoboCup is an annual world-wide competition, in which teams of autonomous robots play football (soccer) against each other.

In 2002, my honours year, I was a Nubot. I did my PhD at UTS, where we started another new legged team - UTS Unleashed. Our best result was in 2004, in which we finished 1st in the Technical Challenges and 2nd in the soccer competition. In 2008 UTS collaborated with University of Science and Technology China. I spent time working in the WrightEagle lab in Hefei China, and our team WrightEagle Unleashed managed to finish 2nd.